Hydrography Stream

The S+SNZ Hydrography Professional Stream (HPS) represents and supports S+SNZ members who are either involved or interested in hydrography.

Hydrography is the branch of applied sciences which deals with the measurement and description of the physical features of oceans, seas, coastal areas, lakes and rivers.

Survey Vessel - Image Courtesy of LINZ

Hydrographic information is crucial for helping us to understand, protect and safely use much of our world. It is needed for safety of navigation, resource exploration and protection, environmental management, and coastal development.

Lake Rotoiti – Image courtesy of GNS

The HPS seeks to provide value to S+SNZ Members by:

  • Communicating with relevant industry practitioners, central and local government groups, professional bodies and training providers
  • Advocating for HPS members and within the industry
  • Assisting members seeking professional Hydrographic Certification
  • Supporting the S+SNZ continuing professional development (CPD) programmes to improve best hydrographic practice
  • Facilitating communication between HPS members.

Drix - Image courtesy of Ocean Infinity


Specialist certification in hydrographic surveying is official recognition that an individual possesses the necessary knowledge and experience to perform hydrographic surveying tasks across various hydrographic disciplines.

The professional assessment and certification of hydrographic surveyors is conducted through the Australasian Hydrographic Surveyors Certification Panel (AHSCP), which is jointly sponsored by Survey and Spatial New Zealand and the Geospatial Council of Australia. For application closing dates please see the workplan link at the bottom of this page.



Where to Study Hydrographic Surveying – Bachelors Degrees

Where to Study Hydrographic Surveying – Undergraduate and Postgraduate Research

Where to Study Hydrographic Surveying – NZ Certificate in Hydrographic Surveying

Where to Study Hydrographic Surveying – Category B Course

Why become a Certified Hydrographic Surveyor?

AHSCP process and procedures.


World Hydrography Day is celebrated annually, on 21 June, to publicise and encourage increasing the coverage of hydrographic information on a global basis, (United Nations Resolution A/60/30 dated 29 November 2005). Each year celebrates a different theme, see the International Hydrographic Organization’s website for more information.

S+SNZ co-host an annual World Hydrography Day Seminar alongside the Australasian Hydrographic Society (AHS) NZ Region. This event brings our local hydrographic community and students together with presentations from Government, Industry, Defence and academia focused around Hydrographic Surveying in the region. Dates for the annual seminar will be posted to the Coming Events page and circulated via email.

Images Courtesy of DML


The HPS leadership team meet regularly to discuss current issues, update project progress and prepare relevant submissions on behalf of the Stream. The leadership team is currently:

  • Declan Stubbing, DML, (Chair and S+SNZ Council representative)
  • Andrew Price, Ocean Infinity
  • Emily Tidey, University of Otago
  • Kevin Smith, DML
  • Rhys Davies,Ocean Infinity
  • Simon Ironside, Toitū Te Whenua LINZ, (FIG Commission 4 representative)
  • Stuart Caie, Toitū Te Whenua LINZ, (Geospatial Council of Australia, Area of Practice Hydrography)
  • Kate Downes – Emerging Leader
  • Rian Mayhead – Emerging Leader
  • Hayes Ballantyne – Emerging Leader (Spatial).

If you would like to become part of the leadership team or have any queries regarding Certification, please contact the stream: hydrography@surveyspatialnz.org


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