Membership Information

Membership Information

When you become a member you get the full support of a collegial body that advocates on behalf of you and the profession. We promote growth, innovation and excellence within the surveying and spatial professions.

Our members are surveying and spatial professionals who work in the cadastral, civil engineering, and hydrographic surveying, land development, urban design, positioning and measurement, resource management and spatial/GIS fields.

There are three main Membership Types. If you meet the Member Criteria below,
please go to our JOIN NOW page to apply. Other Membership Types are outlined below.

Member Criteria

Apply for membership

Go to Join Now Page

Why You Should Join Us

As a member, you get the following benefits.

PUBLICATIONS - we keep you in touch with the profession through emails, monthly newsletters, quarterly magazine and journal

ADVOCACY and CODE OF CONDUCT - members are supported on important national and local issues and topics

CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (CPD) - we provide training programmes and courses to help you keep up your CPD points

PROFESSIONAL STREAMS - you can enjoy the support of professional streams and special interest groups

NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIES - you can attend regular local branch meetings held nationwide

ONLINE PRESENCE - we provide you with access to your own personal website dashboard and social media

CELEBRATING EXCELLENCE - each year we celebrate professional achievement and academic excellence

ANNUAL CONFERENCE - our conference is the highlight networking and CPD event of the year

CERTIFICATION - we provide professional pathway opportunities to achieve high levels of competency.

Membership Types and Fees


Full (Voting) - MS+SNZ : NZ$758.50 + GST

Associate - MS+SNZ (Assoc): NZ$503.72 + GST

Overseas - MS+SNZ (Overseas): NZ$305.55

Affiliate - MS+SNZ (Affiliate): NZ$320.00+ GST

Retired - MS+SNZ (Ret): No fee

Student - MS+SNZ (Student): No fee

Honorary - MS+SNZ (Hon): No fee

Fellow - FS+SNZ: No fee

Registered Professional Surveyor Fee - NZ$1950+ GST

Registered Professional Surveyor Annual Renewal - NZ$314.35 + GST
Continuing Professional Development Levy (applies to Full (Voting) and Associate members) - $94.54 +GST

Application for Certified Professional Engineering Surveyor or Land Development Engineer - $1950 +GST

Professional Entrance Examination Fees – Members: NZ$1650 + GST; Non-members: NZ$1900 + GST

Cadastral Law Examination Fees – Members: NZ$280 + GST; Non-members: NZ$380 + GST.

Criteria for each membership type can be found in the MEMBERSHIP POLICY.


Information for Members