How to Attract and Retain the Best Talent - Presented by Mark Fisher of 84 Recruitment

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Learning how to attract and retain the best talent in a highly competitive market. Grow and develop your people who impact and make a positive difference.

  • Attract and retain the best talent
  • Create a vision and mission for your team
  • How to hire the best staff
  • Understand what candidates are looking for
  • How to develop a career and succession plan
  • Learn to interview like a professional, hiring right first time

Attendees will gain useful recruitment skills, understand what candidates are looking for and learn what is important when identifying talent. We will cover useful tools to engage with your staff, develop them further in their career and reduce staff turnover, meaning a more successful and sustainable business long term.

Presentation Overview:

  • Where are you now and where are you taking your business
  • What do your current employees think of your business or team?
  • Outline your vision and mission, what part do they play in this
  • Understanding what makes your business different/ stand out from the rest and successful
  • How to manage and inspire graduates and millennials
  • Having a detailed job description and clear idea of your needs
  • Proactive approach to recruitment and promoting your business
  • Knowing your company’s culture and values and how to ensure they are integrated into your business
  • The importance of assessing and interviewing effectively
  • Career development planning and succession planning
  • Flexibility in the workplace + importance of healthy work/life balance
  • Empowering staff and letting their voices and ideas be heard
  • Investing in your employees, rewards and recognition
  • How to keep your employees engaged in their roles and your business
  • Communication is key
  • It’s ok when staff leave, when to let go and move on

Presenter: Mark Fisher

Mark Fisher is the Managing Director and founder of Eighty4 Recruitment, a recruitment firm specializing in the Engineering, Surveying, Planning and Construction market in New Zealand and Diamond Partner of the NZIS since 2014.

Mark has over 12 years’ recruitment experience in NZ and the UK and is passionate about empowering people who impact and make a positive difference.

He started the business in 2013 with one goal in mind, to become the most valued recruitment partner in New Zealand. Mark prides himself on his ability to help develop successful businesses through people and believes the key to success is having the best staff, strongest relationships and creating the best work places.

Outside the office, Mark can usually be found on the water, diving, fishing or surfing followed by a cold beer and a feed of crayfish!

  • 1.00 CPD points
  • 01/01/2020 - 01/01/2025
  • 00:00 - 00:00
  • Online   NZ
  • Free Members $46.00Regular
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