The Use of Spatial Information to Support Sustainable Development Goals


Webinar: The Use of Spatial Information to Support Sustainable Development Goals

The work of the Smart Cities Council Australia/New Zealand, as the region's leading authority in smart cities, is guided by the direction set within the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and with a firm belief that technology and data can accelerate the outcomes expressed by the SDGs, helping our communities to thrive and prosper. Data, including spatial data, and a collaborative approach to research and innovation in this space is key to driving accelerated industry growth, better government services, and improved environmental and social well-being.

Held Wednesday 28 October2020

  • 1.00 CPD points
  • 01/01/2019 - 28/10/2099
  • 13:00 - 14:00
  • NZ
  • Free Members $46.00Regular
  • Register