Challenges in Collecting & Processing Data in the +10m--10m Zone


Webinar: Challenges in Collecting & Processing Data in the +10m to -10m Zone

The New Zealand Government agency responsible for Nautical Charting is Land Information New Zealand. Since 2016 multi-disciplinary surveys, with LINZ as the lead, have become the norm. Survey projects now have a range of stakeholders, with a variety of requirements, pooling their budgets, and asking from an all of Government perspective “How do we get more data which meets our requirements of scope, time and budget?”. A key area of interest for stakeholders is the +10m to -10m coastal zone. This is the most challenging area within which to gather bathymetric and topographic data due to a range of factors. Presented by Kevin Smith of DML this part of the webinar will provide an insight into Discovery Marine’s experience in undertaking a multidisciplinary survey of White Island as part of the larger LINZ East Cape Survey.

In June 2020 LINZ carried out a pilot project to test an innovative approach to data capture in the coastal area using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) technology. Two areas were selected in Northland that presented environmental challenges to fully test the approach. Different UAV platforms and methodologies were used at each location, with a specification to map elevations (heights and depths) approx. 50m inland and out to a water depth of 3m. In addition to capturing high resolution aerial imagery, there was a requirement to capture multi-spectral data.

The presentations will focus on acquisition techniques used, the challenges,the quality of resulting data and the outcomes/learnings of this innovative approach.

Held Wednesday 14 October 2020.

  • 1.00 CPD points
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