S+SNZ Practice Note and Best Practice Guide for Land Surveying


Every activity has different risks. Consider cycle racing, waste collection, surveying, line marking major concerts, civil defence cordons, fire cordons, chip sealing, pavement construction, power cable repairs, vehicle breakdown response, motor sport, major crash, gas main failure, flood and the many other different activities that are undertaken on the road network. These all have very different safety risk profiles due to the duration of time onsite, location within the road reserve, moving or fixed position, ability to accommodate general traffic through or past the site, public reaction to the activity, planned or unplanned, local or regional or national event, media coverage, and many other factors.

The NZ Guide to Temporary Traffic Management has been written to enable companies and organisations to identify and manage safety risks specific to the activity they are undertaking, and the mitigation measures they have assessed to be appropriate.

The mitigation measures that one company adopts do not have to be the same as other company for the same activity. This is because each company may have different detailed safe work practices or different training or different equipment (though all equipment that is used must comply with the Section 5 TTM Toolbox – What TTM Engineering includes.

A practice note provides guidance where the Traffic Management activity is regular and repeated.

Use of a practice note does not release any person or organisation from their accountability under HSWA.

Held 9 September 2022.

1.00 CPD point

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