Pōneke, including the Hutt Valley and the capital, Wellington

Wellington Branch

At the lower point of the North Island, Wellington covers the areas around the beautiful Wellington Harbour and along the Hutt Valley and Kapiti Coastline.

The 16 branch network enables face-to-face interaction between our members and their organisation at regional level. The structure provides the foundation for representing the views of the membership and maintains a close relationship with National Office.

Wellington Branch Contacts

Branch Exec 2023/2024

Branch Chair: Nick Taylor (2021) – E-mail Nick@cuttriss.co.nz

Branch Secretary: Géneviève Abrey (2020) – E-mail GAbrey@linz.govt.nz

Planning Rep: David Gibson (2002)

Social Rep: Rowan Tailby (2019)

Spatial Rep: Andrew Clouston (2021)

Treasurer: Glyn Hunt (2021)

Young Professional Rep: Libby Antunovic (2022)

Education Rep: Andrew Barbour (2022)

28 Aug
$1,552.50 Members
$1,897.50 Regular
0.00 CPD