New Publication - The Measure of the Man, The Life of Archie Bogle

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The Measure of the Man - The Life of Archie Bogle CBE, FNZIS, Surveyor of the Century

Archie Bogle was one of the last of the pioneering surveyors. He died 50 years ago, but in his last years he wrote an autobiography entitled Links in the Chain, which was published by the Institute in 1975. That autobiography tells the story of his early years, from about 1900 to the 1920s, working in the bush in the Whanganui River area. This has been republished as Part I of this three-part book, The Measure of the Man.

Part II is a short biography of Archie, with the title Surveyor Extraordinaire. It provides a more complete picture of his life, including his many activities within the Institute and it better illustrates Archie’s unparalleled record of professional and community service.

Part III, The Best of Bogle, is a series of short articles written by or about Archie. It includes pieces he wrote during World War One that were published in various British newspapers. There are a number of his editorials from the NZ Surveyor that, with the benefit of time, show just how wise he was. There are some touching tributes and much more.

Collectively, the three parts illustrate his mastery of the pen, his humour, his erudite wisdom and his compassion. Many new photographs and maps are included and a number of the photographs have been colourised. The result is an attractive, most readable book of some 335 pages, printed in a colourful hard bound cover.

The price of the book has been kept as low as possible, nearly half its retail value. All proceeds from sales will be retained by the Kairūri Community Trust.

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Praise for "The Measure of the Man

The Life of Archie Bogle CBE, FNZIS, Surveyor of the Century"

Archie Bogle, what a man to measure! Allan Blaikie, FNZIS, President 1991-93

I was given the original ‘Links in the Chain’ as a gift, a great read that I couldn’t put down. The Measure of the Man elaborates further on a remarkable career and what a man Archie Bogle truly was. I highly recommend it to all surveyors as a must read. Sam Williams, MS+SNZ

This book certainly brings an extraordinary surveyor back to life and that in itself makes it valuable – an exemplar that few could match. Peter Byrne, Hon. Fellow SSSI. Australian Surveyor

A huge tribute to Archie. It is a magnificent effort. Ralph Grierson, OBE, ED, FNZIS and Chief Architect of the Bogle Award.

This is a beautiful book, well laid out and well written. I was impressed by the graphics and the colourisation of the many historical photos. It is a tribute to Archie, a very interesting individual and also provides a picture of New Zealand history that is seldom seen. A recommended read! An Experienced, Independent Book Publisher and Printer.

On rare but rich occasions one has the good fortune to enjoy friendship with a great man. Now the late Archie Bogle was such a man. One who throughout his life shed an aura about him, which made men feel better, which warmed and nourished them into growing just a little stronger and a little taller. A delightful book. R.G. Brickell, 1975 MNZIS (deceased) Extract (edited) from his review of the first edition (incorporated in the second).

“I was delighted to receive my copy of The Measure of the Man. I knew it would be of a high standard, but it has greatly exceeded expectations. This account of Archie Bogle’s contribution to NZ on the surveying front and as a soldier in the two world wars is a compelling read. For someone to have achieved so much in a lifetime is quite remarkable. He was a great New Zealander in many ways. As an avid follower of early NZ history, I was particularly interested to read of the unique relationship Bogle had with Māori in the exploration and surveying of the hinterland and his respect for their customs. He was definitely ahead of the times.

The book authors and editors have done an impressive job bringing Archie’s story to life. The Measure of the Man is a quality book and superbly illustrated. I can thoroughly recommend it to young and old alike”, said Barry. Barry Davidson, Hon MNZIS, and former National Manager.

I thought that I would drop you a note of deep appreciation about Archie Bogle. While convalescing I have been reading the book about Archie that represents the fruits of your labour. Thank you for all your work - the memoirs are truly inspirational. I never met Archie (I was too young), but 38 years ago I was a very young recipient of the Bogle Award. I confess that I have never really understood what a privilege it was to receive that award until I read the book. I am humbled so much as even have my name on the same page as his.

Thank you for bringing such a colossal project to such a wonderful conclusion. Thank you too for helping at least this aging surveyor remember what a wonderful legacy we share in our profession. Emeritus Professor John Hannah, FNZIS and Past President.

I loved this book. I learnt things about my grandfather, who holds a special place in my heart, that I never knew. I was very impressed with its quality. Sarah McGeorge

A good read - everyone needs to recognise the contribution made by these pioneers. Archie had a brilliant mind, and the determination to endure hardship. Could you imagine modern surveyors achieving such good results while working in similar conditions. John Walker, MS+SNZ.

What a kiwi he was! Surveyor, Engineer, Soldier, Sportsman, Actor, Poet, Pioneer, friend of Māori, Editor, Bridge Builder, Land Developer and largely responsible for University Training of Surveyors, doyen of our profession. R.G. Brickell, 1975 MNZIS (deceased) Extract (edited) from his review of the first edition (incorporated in the second).

A treatise on Archie Bogle with so many positive records of his long career as a surveyor. The volume reads almost as a novel, and surely reminds senior surveyors of their field experience in rural surveys where they did not then have modern equipment or mapping data. My initial practice of nearly 70 years ago was in Taumarunui and initially my work overlapped surveys of timber lands and Māori Land Blocks in areas where Archie camped and traversed. Great to read of his early surveys. John Barrett, MS+SNZ

When I started surveying in the mid-80s, EDM was just coming in to play. Now robotic total stations, GPS and drones are all the rage. It’s interesting to read about surveying some 100 years ago, without all the tools and logistics we have available today. A well-constructed and easy read - and great to have on the coffee table. Gary McAuslan, MS+SNZ

This 2022 publication is unique in many respects. Firstly, Archie Bogle was a unique character admirably portrayed throughout the text. Secondly, to have his original autobiography republished 50 years after his death is, if not unique, then very unusual. Thirdly, the concept of the trio of authors (Andreassend, Blackman and McKay) was a bold and successful venture. Finally, the diligent research by the authors of the available material has greatly broadened the scope of our knowledge of Archie’s long, varied, and fruitful life.

Part Two of the book titled Surveyor Extraordinaire clearly illustrates Archie’s numerous attributes which made him the extraordinary person he was. This section is based on a short biography by Donald McKay first published in 2015. Part Three The Best of Bogle (comprising 45% of the book) is a summary by the authors of much of the available material Archie left behind some of which is held by his family. It makes for absorbing reading. Remarkably he never kept a diary; what interesting reading that would have made!

The Measure of the Man should be on every surveyor’s bookshelf and should be compulsory reading for all surveyors and survey students. Finally, a personal note. My father (George), older brother (Norman) and I were /are Registered Surveyors. Dad (Norman and I were both his cadets) appeared before the Survey Board in 1927, Norman in 1958 and I in 1960; on each occasion Archie Bogle was a member of the Board! On page 143 of the publication there is a photograph of the Surveyors’ Board in 1928. At that time the Certificate of Competency issued by the Board included the signatures of the members of the Board together with the Secretary’s signature. I have Dad’s Certificate and the signatures of all those members are still clearly legible after nearly 100 years. Allan Blaikie, FNZIS President 1991-93.

This is a handsome quality hard covered book some 26cm x 19.5cm of 335 pages on good quality paper. It is broken into three parts: a reprint of the original part autobiography Links in the Chain and biography Surveyor Extraordinaire plus a lot of new material including Bogle’s speeches, writings, poetry and his wartime and sporting achievements, plus introductions and prefaces, a bibliography, a glossary of terms and an index. The book has numerous photographs and illustrations. Many have been coloured from the original black and white which enhances them considerably and adds to the feeling of quality in the book.

Archie was a very good and prolific writer and covers a multitude of subjects. His style is easy; it can sometimes be light-hearted, sometimes serious (his 1935 Anzac Day address at Maxwell, page 189 is a case in point). Through these writings and anecdotes, we really do get the measure of the man.

This book is a must for those who have not only an interest in the history of NZ Surveying but also the country’s early history. I can thoroughly recommend it. Ross Miller, FNZIS. Extract (edited) from his review in Surveying & Spatial magazine, number 111.

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