National Traffic Management Practice Note

S+SNZ Practice Note & Best Practice Guide for Land Surveying


Waka Kotahi/NZTA are currently implementing changes to the temporary traffic management system in New Zealand and have developed a Guide to Temporary Traffic Management (NZGTTM), which will replace the current Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management (CoPTTM).

S+SNZ, in conjunction with CSNZ, LINZ and external traffic management consultants have prepared the following documents

The Practice Note is for survey and spatial professionals to implement under the new Guide. It includes a range of activities and requirements based on a risk assessment, as well as a template for Traffic Management Plans which can be used under both the existing Code and proposed Guide. 

The proforma has been set up for the current CoPTTM system by Elise Freeman from Parallaxx.

Please note that it is extremely important that only the editable sections of the proforma are changed. Further edits will jeopardise the Parallax consultant's TTMP qualification as an assessor and trainer.

Note that any works outside the scope of the proforma will need to be addressed on a case-by-case basis, and in some cases, external TTM support may be needed (e.g. popping manholes in the middle of the carriageway is not covered).

Article Reference Survey

06-2024 Engineering Exception Decision

135 KB
05 Jun 2024
EED 001 v2 - Surveying within the carriageway on LV & L1 roads.pdf

06-2024 Traffic Management Plan Proforma- Fillable

2 MB
05 Jun 2024
PXJ-15652 - SSNZ National Project_PROFORMAv2 - Fillable.pdf

06-2024 S+SNZ National Project-TMD

3 MB
05 Jun 2024
PXJ-15652 - SSNZ National Project_TMDv2.pdf

07-2022 Surveying Practice Note

4 MB
12 Jul 2022
Surveying Practice Note_07_2022.pdf