Women in Industry Workshop


Women and men operate in different cultural realities that can confuse our perspectives about gender capabilities. This also has a direct impact on communication and leadership styles between women and men. This course will help teach you how to communicate and lead in a way to be more effective dealing with both genders and to also be more confident in your own communication and leadership style.

The webinar will cover:

  • Tips and tricks on how to effectively communicate.
  • How to establish credibility within a male-dominated environment.
  • How to remain confident as a leader.
  • How to deal with resistance to your ideas.

1 CPD point

  • 1.00 CPD points
  • 01/01/2020 - 01/01/2025
  • 00:00 - 00:00
  • Online   NZ
  • Free Members $46.00Regular
  • Register
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